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Unscheduled corrections to overseas trade statistics for 2011 to 2017: summary report

May 29, 2023May 29, 2023

Published 9 August 2019

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This article summarises the unscheduled corrections made to overseas trade in goods statistics for 2011 to 2017. Supporting data tables which detail the corrections implemented can be found at UK Trade Info

Following quality assurance and checking procedures, HMRC has identified several areas where businesses had submitted incorrect trade data on their original trade declarations.

Corrections have been applied to the Overseas Trade in Goods statistics from 2011 to 2017.

These corrections have been released today in line with the UK Statistical Authority Code of Practice for Statistics and the HMRC Revision Policy.

These revisions are reflected in the interactive data tables available on the HMRC trade data website. These revisions are reflected in the interactive data tables available on the HMRC trade data website.

The corrections made to exports from 2011 to 2017 are:

The corrections made to imports from 2011 to 2017 are:

The Code of Practice for statistics defines unscheduled corrections as “Amendments made to published statistics in response to the identification of errors following their initial publication”

These unscheduled corrections have been made in accordance with the Code of Practice for statistics principles and practices, namely: T3.9 which states that “Scheduled revisions or unscheduled corrections to the statistics and data should be released as soon as practicable. The changes should be handled transparently in line with a published policy”; and Q3.4 “Scheduled revisions, or unscheduled corrections that result from errors, should be explained alongside the statistics, being clear on the scale, nature, cause and impact”.

Please note that all value (£) changes listed in this document have associated net mass and supplementary changes, unless otherwise stated.

Corrections to the regional trade in goods statistics (2013 to 2017) and UK trade in goods by business characteristics (2013 to 2017) will be made within future releases respectively.