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Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU #6 review

Aug 01, 2023Aug 01, 2023

It is with great joy and gladness that I write this final review. I am finishing the terrible mini-series: Harley Quinn Screws Up the DCU. I’ve reviewed individual bad comics before, but this is the first time I’ve reviewed an entire series that is this bad. I gave 0.5/10’s to most of the issues. Does this finale fare any better? Well…

As we saw at the end of the last issue, Harleen from the dystopian world was killed. This issue starts with regular Harley (whom I have dubbed Quinnpool, because she’s more like Deadpool or Tank Girl than Harley Quinn) is cradling her during her last moments. While the last chapter portrayed this death dramatically, this comic plays it comedically…and then dramatically, and then comedically again. The writer can’t decide whether he wants this moment to pack an emotional punch or just continue on with the irreverence of the rest of the story. It was very frustrating.After dystopian Harleen admits to Quinnpool that she WAS working for whoever made the time machine, she bids that Quinnpool go and save the rest of the heroes she killed with her antics. So, Quinnpool does. I thought that Quinnpool had already saved all of the Justice League members, but apparently, there are many more, not that we have time in the story to see it. We just cut to Quinnpool saving Martian Manhunter, and crossing off another name on a long list of heroes to save, indicating that it all happened off-panel. It’s not the best story structure, but I suppose we are wrapping things up. On a positive note, the artwork does seem better. I’ve been all over the place with my opinions of it throughout these reviews. For this comic, the artwork is consistent, and it’s “ugly cute” look fits with the story. There was also some nice coloring at the end, but I can’t point to a real stand out panel.

Eventually, Quinnpool meets the people that the Dystopian Harleen was working for: an entire counsel of “Harley Quinns.” These Harleys are all caricatures of versions of Harley Quinn from the past – and not very good ones. Classic Harley just repeats “Puddin” all the time, Zombie Harley keeps saying “brains”, and Injustice Harley is always angry for some reason.The council reveals that they work to stop the harm that the Harleys cause throughout the multiverse. Quinnpool points out that they gave her the time machine which caused her to mess up the multiverse in the first place. The Harleys admit that they DID, in fact, give her the time machine. So…they created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Quinnpool leaves, frustrated at this pointless nonsense, and I want to do the same. By this reveal, the entire storyline of this book is nonsensical. It makes me feel like I wasted my time.

I want to offer a ray of hope to anyone reading this: there ARE people at DC Comics who can write Harley well. The upcoming issue of Harley Quinn: Black, White, and Redder I’m reviewing next week is very good. The problem is that DC won’t let the good writers have more time with Harley. Why did Frank Tieri get this series? His comics with Harley have never been financially or critically well-received! It makes no sense. Avoid this comic. It’s got terrible, insufferable dialogue, a Harley Quinn that doesn’t act like Harley Quinn, and a plot line that goes no where.

Score: 1/10

Disclaimer: DC Comics provided Batman News a copy of this comic for the purposes of this review.

Score: 1/10